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Разработчик Chow Tai Fook Life Insurance Company Limited

毫無疑問,是您謀生的能力。生命中有3種風險能令奪去您這重要資產: 突然死亡、危疾及意外傷殘。我們特意製作這個能化繁為簡的隨身工具,供未雨綢繆的您隨時為自己及家人籌劃未來所需的生活保障金額,助您作出明智的的壽險決策。本程式特色包括:
- 簡單易用的介面設計(繁中、簡中及英文)
- 只需輸入幾項財務資料,如每月的家庭支出、年期、年齡,即可計算身故、危疾及意外傷殘保障的所需金額
- 圖文並茂闡釋計算結果:即時現金需求分佈、現有保障及資產、所需淨保額一目了然;PDF報表方便隨時參考

富通保險有限公司(「富通保險」)是同創九鼎投資管理集團股份有限公司 (「九鼎集團」) 的全資附屬公司,也是香港最大的壽險公司之一。


What’s your biggest asset in life?
Without doubt, it’s your ability to earn a living. There are 3 important risks that threatens your earning power: Sudden Death, Critical Illness & Disability. That’s why we created a this easy-to-use tool that will take the guesswork out of insurance, help you analyse your personal insurance needs 24/7 & ensure your ability to protect yourself & the loved ones who depend on your income if such a calamity occurred. This app can eliminate the mystery of insurance choices and empower you to make informed decisions about the subject. The app’s key features include:
- User-friendly design interface (Traditional/Simplified Chinese and English)
- By inputting a few basic financial data (such as monthly family expense, supporting years, age), the app will give you the big picture of your Death, Critical Illness & Disability insurance needs
- Instant & precise overview of your existing assets, immediate cash needs, existing insurance protection & net protection; comprehensive PDF report with graphics & charts for your future reference
Everyone’s situation is unique. The amount & type of insurance you need will depend on a number of variable factors. Once you’ve used this app to make your own calculations, you should contact a FTLife consultant to draw up a more comprehensive plan. Our holistic income protection solutions have been specially created to protect you & your family if you can no longer earn an income, either permanently or temporarily.

FTLife Insurance Company Limited (“FTLife”) is one of Hong Kongs largest life insurance companies and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tongchuangjiuding Investment Management Group Co., Ltd. (“JD Group”).

Capitalising on a heritage of professionalism and excellence in serving clients, FTLife seeks to become a leading insurance group in Asia. It serves individual and institutional clients from a diverse portfolio of financial protection and wealth management products. FTLife aims to excel by cultivating lasting relationships, and dedicates itself to providing clients with best-of-breed financial services to help them lead fulfilling lives.